Data as an Asset

Accurate AI models cannot exist without relying on millions of data points. Our invention allows any business, academia, government, or a person to build AI models with vast data collected by LayerAI.

Data is the economic backbone of the digital age. The biggest modern tech companies have been built thanks to the efficient collection and monetization of user data. Big Tech - Meta, Google, Amazon - are data businesses at heart, selling user data to advertisers to become the most valuable companies in the world.

However, it is expected that data will become even more valuable due to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) boom that the tech sector is experiencing in the upcoming decades. AI requires advanced data to train more sophisticated algorithms - companies that supply high-quality data will reap the benefits of this surge in demand.

Blockchain emerged as a means for innovation in decentralizing power, technology, capital, decision-making and other aspects of modern business. Of many blockchain applications, tokenization is the most adopted and applied in daily use. ‍

Tokenization allowed for blockchain technology to reach mass adoption - users finally had an incentive to engage with new protocols. Tokenization gave rise to ‘to earn’ models that became the fastest way to onboard users in web3. Move-to-Earn startup STEPN onboarded 5+ million users in months, while Play-to-Earn game Axie Infinity peaked at 3+ million total users.

Data is set to become an asset class that powers the AI revolution. The increasing demand for high quality data to improve AI models is likely to lead to new companies creating a lot of value in the global data market.

Big Tech players - Meta, Google, Amazon and others - already created value from collecting and selling user data that the users never directly benefitted from. Building a decentralized solution where users choose to productize and earn from their data opens untapped sources of income.

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